I am a life learning Mama and this page is where I like to share things that resonate with me in some way along this wonderful life journey we are on ♥

Tuesday, 14 June 2011

25 Random Things About Me!

Well this may tell you a little about me!

1. I was in a children's home until I was 6 months old and then I was adopted by the most wonderful parents
2. I have an adopted older brother who looks like Russell Crowe (well I and many others think so!)
3. One of the biggest achievements in my life was gaining a degree whilst also being a single Mum. It was really hard work, but so worth it.
4. A teacher once told my Mum and Dad I would be lucky if I passed any school exams! I am now a qualified teacher - go figure!
5. I love homeschooling my children.
6. One of the most amazing people in my life is my son who is diagnosed with ADHD/Aspergers. In his 15 years he has struggled against a system that does not recognise difference. He inspires me, constantly challenges me in good ways and is one of the most kindest kids I know!
7. My son became a member of MENSA at age 10.

8. I have a phobia of taking medication - strange but true!
9. My Mum died of cancer when I was 25. I still miss her. She was my best friend and the most important person in my life.
10. I won a gold medal at the NZ Masters Nationals in the 200m backstroke whilst pregnant with my daughter four years ago!
11. I swim 2.5 kilometres 5 mornings a week, wind, rain or shine! It keeps me sane (or thinking I am!)
12. I had my daughter when I was 38 and was classed as a geriatric mother - feel like it at times!
13. Every animal I have ever owned throughout my entire life has been a rescued one
14. I travelled alone around Australia when I was 21 and it was one of the best times of my life

15. I suffer with anxiety and life is sometimes a struggle, but my children make it all worthwhile
16. I found my birth mother a few years ago and I look like her!
17. I have two younger half sisters
18. I lived in Auckland, New Zealand for 6 years
19. I am a neat freak and my mind feels a mess if things are a mess around me - so I like to tidy (or nag others to do so!!
20. The two men in my life are not neat freaks - makes for an explosive household at times!
21. I met my partner when I was at Guildford Tech. He was doing a building course and I was doing a secretarial one. The builders hooked up with the secretaries!
22. I have known my oldest and bestest friend for 38 years and I love her to bits. She has been there with me for many of the good and bad things that have happened over my life.
23. My favourite number is 4 and my favourite colour is pink!
24. I love singing and dancing.
25. The most important thing in my life is being a mother. If I am remembered for anything I would like to be remembered for that.

New Blogger!

Well, I am new to this - I don't have a clue what I am doing.  I have looked at lots of the other blogs and they all look so professional.  It made me want to delete my one!  However, if I do that I will never learn how to make a pretty one like all the others, so I think I will stick with it.  Who am I?  My name is Heather and I am a Mum to two wonderful children, a son who is nearly 16 and a daughter who is 4.  Yes, a big gap, but never planned that way, but then the best things never are!  My son is diagnosed with ADHD and Aspergers, he is gifted but has learning difficulties (namely dysgraphia) and he is my reason for venturing into homeschooling.  We have been on this journey now for 7 years and what a great time it has been (mostly!!).  My daughter is due to go to school next year, but I have decided to homeschool her too - it is just too good a journey not to take her along for the ride!  I trained as a Teacher when my son was younger as I really wanted to learn about helping kids with issues like my sons.  I lasted in a school full time for a year and then took both my son and myself out!  I have never looked back.  I hope that my blog will become a bit of a journal for myself as well as to connect with other homeschoolers.  I also hope that maybe some of the things I write about will help others who have had a similar path to my own - managing a child who marches to the beat of a different drum.  It has not always been an easy journey, often crazy and chaotic, but I would not change it for the world.  My son is an inspiration as is my daughter and my life would be empty without them.